Source: R. Cameron, Concise Economic History of the World (New York: O.U.P., 1993) p. 193.See below for table format. 2120 L St NW, Suite 500, Washington, DC 20037 A census is a count and description of a population. Estimated world population by continents, 1800 - 1950. Austria (Cisleithania)-Excluding Italian Provinces-Civil population 1818-13,381,000 1821-13,964,000 Belgium 1818-4,166,000 Denmark … Censuses have been taken by the government of France, by individual towns, and by some old provinces. During the second half of the century, France experienced severe hunger in 164652, 1660–2, 1674–5, 1679 and 1693–4, 6 while bad harvests after 1700 produced starvation on an unprecedented scale, resulting in a decline in population from 21 m. in 1700 to 18 m. in 1715. These have been taken primarily for military purposes, taxation, or identification of the poor. Then in 1851 on wards (apart from now) it was 87,000. Then in 1801-1850 iIslas 28,000. It means just 1/4 … Likewise population size of France at year 1800 is given as 30 million, and 40 million (the only figure we can be sure of) by 1930. Estimated world population in millions by continents, 1800 - 1950. National Population Estimates. ©2016 Population Connection, a 501(c)3 organization. It changes throughout the years, in 1750-1800 it was about 20,000.
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