Initiated in the mid-1990s, the Confluence redevelopment project in Lyon has gained much attention by its central urban loca-tion, size and ambitions.
Smart Community System Demonstration Project ScopeDemonstrate a Smart Community System that supports the large-scale introduction of energy saving technologies and renewableenergy systems, together with the wide adoption of electric vehicles in Lyon Confluence, France. Central from a geographical perspective, the district has nonetheless remained peripheral in terms of urban development. Der Begriff findet auch im Stadtmarketing und bei großen Technologiekonzernen Verwendung. Smart City ist ein Sammelbegriff für gesamtheitliche Entwicklungskonzepte, die darauf abzielen, Städte effizienter, technologisch fortschrittlicher, grüner und sozial inklusiver zu gestalten. This project is led by Greater Lyon and NEDO (Japanese agency supporting innovation) with over 30 partners (including Bouygues immobilier, Toshiba, Grand Lyon Habitat, Transdev, etc.
LUCI Association, 13 Rue du Griffon 69001 Lyon, France - Tel: +33 4 27 11 85 37 - Fax: +33 4 27 11 85 36 -
Lyon’s new district was selected to host the Lyon Smart Community project until 2016. Lyon smart community est un projet de coopération franco-japonaise entre la Métropole de Lyon et NEDO (équivalent japonais de l'Ademe) mené dans le quartier de La Confluence entre 2012 et 2017. Focus on Lyon Smart Community The Lyon Smart Community demonstration is a major mile-stone on the road to a smart and sustainable city – in Grand Lyon and elsewhere.
Lyon Smart Community _____ client: Hotwire / Toshiba projet: dossier de presse mediat kit note: conception / réalisation art direction & art concept, graphic design credit: illustrations de Anne Ardichvili illustrations made by Anne Ardichvili illustrations de Anne Ardichvili illustrations made by Anne Lyon Smart Community will thus feature a relevant, complementary approach to the issues of energy efficiency, multi-modal solutions, individual responsibilities – and all the related control systems. One year after its launch, the result of this project is promising The first year of the project has been given over to … Lyon, 'European Capital of Smart Tourism' 2019 For a number of years, Greater Lyon and OnlyLyon Tourism and Conventions have worked to develop responsible tourism and a range of activities that... Read more By Isabelle See more Le Pavillon ONLYLYON. A unique designer space for an even warmer welcome! October 15, 2013 A ceremony was held on October 14, 2013 in the eco-district of La Confluence, Lyon to commemorate the launch of solar energy powered Electric vehicles (EVs) sharing service ("SUNMOOV"), which is part of NEDO's "Lyon Smart Community" demonstration project.
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