Ich glaube, ich weiß, was dich bewegt Ein paar Worte, eine große Kluft Eine kleine Atempause wartet auf ihre Chance Drängt sich von hinten in den Vordergrund Obwohl du der Einzige bist, den ich sehe Ist es die letzte Katastrophe Schließ deine Wetten auf Risiko und Gleichgültigkeit ab .
Un autre client l'a apportée et ils ont dansé un slow.
SLOW LIFE Lyrics: Sometimes the clock is stressin' on me yo / And I wanna go back to old mio / To times where all I used to see is weed smoke / Three times I used to ride on a speedboat / And all my australia.com Prenez v otre temps et savourez l'art de vivre à Orange, qui se trouve au pied d'un volcan éteint à quatre heures de route à l'ouest de Sydney.
Malheureusement, j'ai promis le prochain slow à Bill Frist.
J'ai appris à vivre ma vie au jour le jour. Slow Life (traduction en grec) Artiste: The Twilight Saga (OST) Artiste invité: Victoria Legrand, Grizzly Bear Chanson: Slow Life 5 traductions Traductions : espagnol, français, grec, … {Slow Life} "Slow Life" I think I know what's on your mind A couple words, a great divide Waiting in the wings, a small respite Crowding up the foreground from behind Even though you're the only one I see It's the last catastrophe Place your bets on chance and apathy Take anything you want, it's fine Keep up the slow life for the night Another customer came over to her and the two of them did this sort of slow dance.
Slow down and savour the good life in Orange, which sits at the foot of an extinct volcano, four hour's drive west of Sydney. Slow Life Songtext Übersetzung. The Lagoon is ideal for a "Slow Tourism", a cruise between nature and relax. blood flow n circulation f sanguine → a drug that improves blood flow → ... the valve that controls the blood flow between the two chambers of the heart.
Idéal pour un séjour slow; une croisière lente entre la nature et relax.
blood flow to the feet l'afflux de sang aux pieds → Exercise can improve blood flow to the feet and legs. No.
to live one's life vivre sa vie I've learned to live life one day at a time.
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