Plants always produce a seed when uprooted or killed.

Oxygen Not Included allows players to manage their colonists and help them dig, build and maintain a subterranean asteroid base.

Seeds. Oxygen Not Included is a space-colony simulation video game being developed by Klei Entertainment.The game is currently available on Steam Early Access. Originally planned just for the Mac OS and Windows, a PlayStation 2 port was concurrently developed by Rockstar Canada.

Welcome to Plants vs. Zombies Wiki! Players will need water, warmth, food, and oxygen to keep them alive, and even more than that to keep them happy.

Gameplay consists of third-person shooting with hand-to-hand combat, with a focus on the latter. This is a list of companion plants.Many more are in the list of beneficial weeds.Companion plants assist in the growth of others by attracting beneficial insects, repelling pests, or providing nutrients, shade, or support.They can be part of a biological pest control program.

Released in 2001, it was Bungie West's only game. For the food and industrial plants there is a base 10% chance that a seed is produced once every harvest, though there is an additional 3.3% chance per level of Agriculture, including skill bonuses, so with 10 Farming the chance is 43%.

Oni is a third-person action video game developed by Bungie West, a division of Bungie. A wiki and encyclopedia about Plants vs. Zombies, the tower defense video game series developed and published by PopCap Games, first released on May 5, 2009. This wiki has been operating since May 12, 2009, has a total of 6,253 pages, and 2,283,980 contributions have been made!

Each seed weighs 1 kg.

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