Past Continuous (tense*) = Past Progressive (tense*) * tense – the form of a verb that shows the time at which an action happened. Choose a time in the past and tell the students to think about what they were doing at that time, e.g. This lesson is based on the Premier League Skills English Podcast: Understanding Grammar - The Past Continuous. Il se construit comme le présent continu, sauf que l'auxiliaire être est conjugué au prétérit. When we use these two tenses together, it shows us that the past simple action happened in the middle of the past continuous action, while it was in progress. We often use these tenses to show an action interrupting another action. The students sit in a circle.
So rather than looking for a text in which examples of Past Continuous are given, create a situation (through images, videos, actions) describing a situation you could use to elicit the Past Continuous tense from the class. This lesson shows you how to use it correctly. Le présent simple (I do) a son présent continu (I am doing). Le past continuous (I was doing, you were working…) Cours sur le Past Continuous anglais, aussi appelé prétérit progressif ou past progressive. - J'étais en train de regarder la télé quand le téléphone a sonné. They were dancing.
l'Emploi du Past Continuous. You can start with the structure: Past Continuous Structure. Past continuous and past simple. I broke my leg when I was skiing. Past Continuous Examples: I was sleeping. Subject + Was/Were + Verb + ING. In this fun past continuous game, students use the word 'while' and the past continuous to make sentences about what they and other students were doing at certain times in the past. Ce temps s'emploie pour indiquer qu'une action ou un événement était en cours à un moment du passé. 8 o’clock last night. Le passé simple (I did) a donc son passé continu (I was doing). Past Progressive (or Continuous) Le Past Progressive (prétérit progressif ou continu) s'emploie pour: parler d'une action qui était en train de se dérouler à un certain moment du passé: I was watching TV when the phone rang. Au moment où le téléphone a sonné, j'étais en train de regarder la télévision. Past Continuous … The past continuous is an English verb tense used for continuous actions in the past. The lesson focuses on grammar in context, with an emphasis on narrative frameworks and some skimming and speaking practice for your students. While I was studying, I suddenly felt sleepy.
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