HC-06 Bluetooth module datasheet and configuration with Arduino | ... HC-06 Bluetooth module datasheet and configuration with Arduino | ... Hello, Im trying to control an Elevator using an Arduino UNO and HC-06 Bluetooth module . Finally, the HC-06 Bluetooth module works only as a slave mode. The HC-06 must be configured @ 9600, irrespective of the baud rate it is configured to. I'm working on a project where I need to have Bluetooth capability on my Arduino Nano to send data from a sensor over to the computer.
Click IDE and Choose Arduino IDE. for doing this go to Settings->Bluetooth->Scan device->select HC-06 and pair it. Pass code to pair is ‘1234’. There are actually two ways, but I'll explain why that way is useful for your projects. In that example I used the Bluetooth module with its default settings. Pair your phone with HC-06. Bluetooth is the most popular way of connecting an Arduino to a smartphone wirelessly. I believe the problem with configuration is to do with timing, carriage returns etc., and it is best to do the whole job automatically. 3. There is a faint chance that you might find the following background notes useful. In a previous post I shared my notes on how to connect an Arduino to an Android phone using the the popular and cheap HC-06 Bluetooth module.
In this tutorial, we will create an arduino-bluetooth interface and send messages from an arduino to smartphone and arduino to a personal computer. Your problems with the HC-06 are not likely to be fixed by getting an HC-05 out of the bottom drawer, and the HC-06 is probably just fine for your needs. A lot of the exercise with bluetooth is procedure, not code.

1. Free … Open Bluetooth Terminal software, go to options and select ‘connect a device – secure’ option. Create a Bluetooth HC-06 Module With Arduino ... A little bit ago I grabbed a cheap HC-06 Bluetooth transceiver for $6 on Amazon for my electronics project. This video will describe how to configure the HC-06 Bluetooth module using a USB to serial (TTL) cable together with a Serial Terminal program. Unfortunately, I'm having a difficult time figuring out how to establish a connection from the HC-06 to the computer. Contents1 HC-05 Bluetooth Module2 AT Command Mode3 Control a LED via Bluetooth and Android4 Connect Arduino to PC … Click Module and Choose HC-06. Choose the default baud rate to be 9600.

Don't just try it, do it. 2. This is the code I use. Click Connection and Choose Bluetooth. Description: Arduino Bluetooth- This is a very basic and yet very important Tutorial in which you will learn how to change the name and pin code or password of the Bluetooth module using AT commands.It doesn’t matter whether you are using HC-05 or HC-06 Bluetooth module, there is a very little change in the AT commands, while the use of both the Bluetooth modules is exactly the same. That works fine, but some applications may require changing the communication speed (Baud rate), the pairing code, the module name etc. Now, I want to introduce you to the basic structure that you can use to communicate your Bluetooth module with your Arduino. I've hooked up the HC-06 to my Arduino in a fashion similar to the picture shown below. On the Module interface the Connection type to be Software Serial and Choose Connections 2 RX and 3 TX. Click Device and Choose Arduino Uno. Download Bluetooth terminal application. It ask for pass code …

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