WOTOFO RYUJIN RDA「龍神」(海外名:Elder Dragon RDA) この龍神RDAは、日本人YouTuber Ryusei Sakaue/阪上 龍生さんとWOTOFOとのコラボレーションアイテム。 登録者数5万人近くを誇る日本国内ナンバーワンの電子タバコ系YouTuberがゼロからデザインした日本人のためのアトマ … The Elder Dragon RDA (affiliate) was sent to me for review from Wotofo.
The WOTOFO Elder Dragon RDA, designed by Japanese YouTube Reviewer Ryusei Sakaue is designed for single coil configurations with a focus on flavor and clouds. The Ryujin RDA, made by Wotofo, famous for other atomizers such as Recurve, Profile, and Serpent. I have tried several Wotofo's products with no problem and this is the first one I faced with some difficulties at the start. Wotofo Ryujin Elder Dragon 22mm BF RDA is features a uniquely designed single coil rebuildable deck atomizer with precise slanted jet airflow and a 9mm deep juice well.
Atomiseurs reconstructibles - Découvrez les cigarettes électroniques et les e-liquides de qualité sur le site officiel Le Petit Fumeur. DESCRIPTIONS: Co-designed by Ryusei Sakaue, Wotofo released the Elder Dragon RDA Tank Atomizer, which is a standard 22mm diameter with compact design.Wotofo Elder Dragon RDA is called Ryujin for Japan edition comes with TAI CHI symbol on the deck bottom, and the detachable air inlet is easy to clean. Der Elder Dragon RDA kann ausgezeichnet getröpfelt oder gesquonkt werden. Wotofo Ryujin 22mm BF RDA. Die sehr tiefe Liquidwanne in Verbindung mit der Konstrukion, die auslaufen verhindert, sorgt für eine sehr große Liquidreserve und eine optimale Versorgung der Watte.
È stato progettato da Wotofo e dal recensore di YouTube giapponese 阪 上 龍 生 che si chiama Ryujin (il dio dragone) per Japan Edition. The Elder Dragon RDA, as a projection of the mighty dragons in the story, is competent to fulfill any tasks in breathing clouds and controlling your e-liquid for perfect flavor. 6/2016 e D.Direttoriale A.D.M. The Elder Dragon RDA, as a projection of the mighty dragons in the story, is competent to fulfill any tasks in breathing clouds and controlling your e-liquid for perfect flavor. It is designed by Wotofo and the Japanese YouTube reviewer 阪上龍生 , and is named Ryujin (the dragon god) for Japan Edition. The Elder Dragon RDA, designed by Wotofo and the Japanese Youtube reviewer Ryujin.
The Wotofo PROFILE and Recurve RDA were two of my favorite RDAs from the past 18 months, so I have high hopes and a lot of expectation for the Wotofo Elder Dragon RDA. Paiement 100% sécurisé et livraison en 48h. This bottom fed atomizer has more juice capacity than other atomizers of its size and a unique pagoda shaped top cap with a domed internal design built to maximize flavor. Wotofo Elder Dragon RDA. I really do like single coil RDAs for a couple of reasons. Buy the latest and awesome original Wotofo vape RDAs now which includes the most popular profile RDA, Elder Dragon RDA, and Recurve RDA etc, offering you the greatest vape flavors. D'un diamètre de 22 mm, ce dripper est compatible bottom-feeder. L' Elder Dragon RDA, in quanto proiezione dei potenti draghi della storia, è competente a svolgere qualsiasi compito nella respirazione delle nuvole e nel controllare il tuo e-liquid per un sapore perfetto. Pair it up with your favorite coil builds, the deck will make your build a stage star! It is designed by Wotofo and the Japanese YouTube reviewer 阪上龍生 and is named Ryujin (the dragon god) for Japan Edition. E-liquide français et e-liquide CBD en vente sur le site. Coil installing is super easy and intuitive. Im Auslieferungszustand ist der Bottom Feeder Pin zum Squonken bereits eingesetzt. del 16.03.2018). Un piccolo bf dalla forma particolare ma studiato bene con un sistema d'aria intelligente. Hi there!
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