Be careful, be careful. We will see in this example how we can deny Telnet traffic (tcp port 23) and permit everything else from the untrusted network reaching our trusted network.
The "access-group" command can be used to apply the access list to an interface.
ACL is a common way of restricting certain types of traffic on a physical port. The following command configures an extended ACL Access Control List. You have a mask for a single host IP address.
Example. Extended IP Access List Example Our trusted network is
The syntax for "access-group" IOS command is given below. access-list acl-name extended permit ip any host should work. Removing an access list is very easy, remember that powerful no command, type in no access-list and then the number of the access list you want to remove. Router(config)# interface interface_no Router01(config-if)#ip access-group
(If you really wanted an 8 … access-list access-list-number {permit | deny} protocol source {source-mask} destination {destination-mask} [eq destination-port] Example of Extended IP Access List In this example we will create an extended ACL that will deny FTP traffic from network but allow other traffic to go through.
Access List Configuration. ip access-list extended "40" permit icmp any echo-reply - this is just example that allows ping reply - but disables ping from it permit tcp eq 3389 any gt 1023 - this enable RDP from other subnets only
For example, if you wanted to add a "permit" ACL at the end of a list named "List-1" …
So you want to remove a standard access list …
Let's say you typed in no access-list 1 permit
Next is the list number. The access list number serves the same dual purpose here as we looked at earlier with the standard access list. How to configure Extended Access Control Lists (ACL) to an interface using "access-group" command.
Since we are referencing an extended IP access list, the numbers would range from 100 to 199. IP ACLs are the most popular type of access lists because IP is the most common type of traffic. 思科路由器的 访问 策 2113 略的子网 掩码 为反 5261 掩码。 ip access-list extended VLAN_90 // 定义一个名 4102 为 1653 VLAN_90的扩展访问控制列表 deny ip //拒绝 源地 址为192.168.90.0 的地址段 访问目的地址为192.168.0.0的地址段 permit ip any Just as in our standard access list, the extended access list will require a hyphen between the words access and list. : (host) [mynode] (config) #ip access-list extended … A standard ACL provides the ability to match traffic based on the source address of the traffic only. Named IPv4 ACLs: Add an ACE to the end of a named ACE by using the ip access-list command to enter the Named ACL (nacl) context and entering the ACE without the sequence number.
Next, we’ll look at the configuration of standard IP ACLs and basic configuration of IP extended ACLs.
There are two types of IP ACLs: standard and extended.
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